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Educative Quotes from Magic of Thinking Big & You Can Win

Friendship (Genuine one based on mutual understanding and respect) is not a degree to start and finish within 3or 4 years. Its lifetime courses not just to study but also to feel,fight,love and live

Universities are turning out highly skilled barbarians because we dont provide a framework of values to your people who more and more are searching for it – Steve Muller

Never underestimate other’s intelligence as well as your own intelligence

A smooth sea never makes a skillful mariner

We are what we repeatedly do

Birth and Background has nothing to do with a person’s greatness constant effort [in right direction] makes a person great -Gautam Buddha

Lead by love,trust,example – Dhirubhai Ambani

Reading is to mind what excercise is to body -Richard Steel

Books are carrier of civilization without books,history is silent,literature dumb,science crippled,thoughts and speculation at a standstill – Barbara.W.Tuchman

Falling down does not make you failure but staying down do

To spread knowledge is to spread wellbeing -Alfred Nobel

The size of your success is determined by the size of your thinking

Anything which improves thinking ability is education

Think in Progress,Believe in Progress,Push for Progress.Think improvement in everything you do

Just give other person the kind of treatment you want to recieve

Respect Leader,Learn from them [either gender],Observe them,Study them but dont worship them believe you can go beyond and  if that Leader is envy of your sucess or a hindrance then they are not at all a Leader

Praise Loudly and Blame Softly 

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Basic Information Technology/Information System related Terminology

Abstraction refers to the act of representing essential informations or features without including the background [When,How and to What extent information about them should be shown/transmitted]

Example: Take an example of switch board.You will press certain switches depending on your requirement but what is happening inside or how the process is happening we need not know [or customers dont focus on these issues]

The wrapping up of data is called Encapsulation

Duplication of data is called Data Redundancy

Database is defined as collection of interrelated data [example : Identity Card,Record Keeping Register]

Software is set of electronic instruction tha makes computer to perform task

System Software drives the hardware [physical components or mechanical devices that we can feel and touch] such as mouse,keyboard,memory etc

Application Software is designed for specific purpose such as accounting,browsing Internet,creating essay documents

Web Browser is a software  that enables (allows you to access) you to view web pages

Touchscreen [Hardware] can act as input (input device accepts instruction from users like keyboard,mouse] and output device(presents the result i.e monitor).Its a monitor [screen generally used in ATM Machines to withdraw money,add money in your account etc]  that displays texts or icons you can touch the screen special sensor detects the touch and depending on the requirement of user [location of touch on the monitor] touchscreen gives output

The transformation of information [input] into useful information is known [output or end result] is called processing

The term booting means starting the computer

Icons are pictures that represent (pictorial representation) programs,files,disk and other resources on your computer

Wireless technology is used in mobile.To call someone enter the mobile number and press the send button which is generally green in colour to send or recieve call.The telephone central office recieves it and sends it to MSC [Mobile Switching Centre] a computerized centre that is responsible for connectiong calls,recieving calls,billing etc

Telephone lines were desgined to transmit human voice not electronic data from computer so Modem were used to convert or process the signals from computer into a form that allows them to travel on phone.Modem is a device that allows one computer [every computer system or laptop has two parts hardware and software in working conditions] to connect an communicate with other computer via telephone lines (Collection of interconnected network is called Internet.Network is connection between two or more systems where a system might be  telephone system,computer or satellite) and enable you to communicate and send and recieves e-mail,watch videos etc

Data Warehouse is a repository [storage area] of an organization electronically stored data.

RAM [Random Access Memory] is a device which stores [temporarily] store information [files and program you are working on your computer or laptop].When computer or laptop is turned off,anything left in RAM is lost

ROM [Read only Memory] holds permanent information which contains basic details of computer[how its run,self test program etc that runs everytime when you switch on the computer].You cant change or remove whats stored in ROM

World Wide Web is massive collection of web pages

Webpage is collection of information on different topics in graphical [animated/crtoon type format] way

Uniform Address Locator [URL] also known as address of the webpage.It starts with http;//www.

Search Engine is a program accessed through Internet that allows you to search information you have asked for

From: Computer Science C++ 12th grade/class by Sumita Arora

Introduction to Computers by Peter Norton



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Abraham Lincoln letter to headmaster of school in which his son studies

* This letter’s message is applicable to female gender also.Understand this message rationally  not emotionally or with nonsense and try to implement in your deeds

He will have to learn,I know that all men are not just, all men are not true.But teach him for every scoundrel there is a hero,that for every selfish politican there is a dedicated leader

Teach him that for every enemy there is a friend

Teach him that a dollar earned is of far more value than five found

Teach him to learn to lose and enjoy winning

Steer him away from envy

Teach him the wonder of books but also give him quiet time to ponder the eternal mystery of birds in sky,bees in sun and flowers on green hilside

In school teach him its far more honourable to fail then to cheat

Teach him to have faith in his own ideas,even if everyone tells they are wrong

Teach him to be gentle with gentle people and tough with tough people

Try to give him strength not to follow the crowd when everyone is geting on bandwagon

Teach him to listen to all men but also teach him also to filter all he hears on the screen of truth and take only good that comes through

Teach him how to laugh when he is sad.Teach him there is no shame in tears

Teach him to close is ears to howling mob and to stand and fight if he thinks he is right

Teach him gently but do not cuddle him,because only the strength of fire makes fine steel

Let him have the courage to be impatient,let him have the patience t be brave

Teach him to have sublime faith in his creator and faith in himself too because then he will have faith in mankind

This is a big order,but please see what you can do.He is such a fine little felow

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How panel of nine CEOs picked the best young leaders

Understand and Implement these in deeds [actions]  not words [sweet talk].Dont say others do evil why cant I you be the change in right direction

India produces second largest pool of scientist in the world.But trails far behind when it comes to innovation

Always ask before you assume

Candidates are quizzed on diverse isssues

Grilled a candidate for lack of vision (vision is thinking miles ahead n right direction and being inclusive to diversity)

Young leaders should understand that they need to be authentic. While this may not guarantee that you become a leader, not being so will certainly ensure that you are no

Powered by Intellects & Driven by Values [Infosys Tagline/Motto]

Make your children understand you [parents and grandparents or any other relatives] that you are not ATM machine and not to come under peer (friends or colleagues) or society pressure

Look for qualities beyond academics

Textbook answers wont help

Have Multidimensional thinking

A lot of people with big promises fails to become leader because they are disconnected with reality

Mature answer, Strategic thinking and Confidence to back up what you say every time especially when others are emotional fool or humilating you

Multi Dimensional Thinking

Reality Check [Showing Mirror]

Putting people at ease, Giving Time to talk  (humility and respect you show but it should be mutual not one sided )

People oriented, International Outlook, Innovative Spirit, Humble & Polite and calculated Risk taking ability

Over time character matters a lot. Leadership is not abput achievements but how you made the environment a better place to live

Let us learn to show our friendship (genuine based on mutual respect,understanding not flattery) for a human when they are alive and not after they are dead – F Scott Firzgerald (USA Author known for his novel “The Great Gatsby”)

Make the others person feel important and do it sincerly. Show respect to other people opinion -Dale Carnegie

People follow the example of those above them – Chinese Proverb

By observing how a people treats people from lower strata or those who are weaker than them even if same age group (either male or female)



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Leadership Qualities in Action Without Flaunting or Sweet Talk

“Sepp Herberger (from Germany) was a formidable figure of authority. Discipline, good conduct and punctuality were very important to him. He himself lived by the standards he expected of his players. He never smoked or drank, but he was well aware of all his players’ vices. He would punish you for misconduct. It could end up with you not being allowed to play any more. He always spoke to me personally if something was up.”  – Horst Eckel (1954 Soccer World Cup Winner on his coach)

Always a fighter, Herberger knew how to motivate a team. He was an authoritarian, but had a real feel for his players, highly aware of the effect of his words and how to stoke up his men’s ambitions. The dressing room, and later an entire nation, respectfully addressed him simply as ‘Chief’.

The football world may still be looking for his equal in terms of getting the best from individual players. His teams were superbly prepared, bristling with stamina, strength, discipline and fighting spirit, the virtues generally classed as typically German to this day.

Of all these attributes, interpersonal restraint was the most important, as he believed a side must be primarily functional as a group of people. He lived by his motto, “You have to be 11 friends.”

“We had some tremendous individual players and we all had one thing in common – Sir Alf Ramsey.(English World Cup Winner Cocah in 1966) It’s easy to spot players who have ability. What’s not so straightforward is realising which personalities will combine well to form a strong team. That was Alf’s strength.”  – Geoff Hurst

Rinus Michels who took Netherlands to World Cup Final in 1974 winning silver medal [runner ups]  and Euro Cup winner in 1988 [there only title till now and 3 times runner ups in World Cup 1974,1978,2010] He used the total football concept at club level and international level in 1974 abd later Total football concept was reformed by Johan Cruyff and invented Tiki Taka in Barcelona [Spanish club])

“I always greatly admired his leadership. Both as a player and as a coach there is nobody who taught me as much as him. He was a sportsman who put the Netherlands on the map in such a way that almost everybody still benefits from it. There is no one I learnt from more than Rinus Michels. I often tried to imitate him, and that’s the greatest compliment one could give.” 
Johan Cruyff

“He knew exactly how to motivate a group of players – he was a master at lifting the tension in the dressing room, especially with his special sense of humour. At certain moments he could be very hard in making his decisions, but at other times he showed his warmer side.” 
Marco van Basten

“Rinus was a coach with natural leadership that we players respected. He was a man of few words, although he became a bit more open with time. These days a coach always has to explain himself, but for him that was not necessary. He stood above the group. I have learned a lot from him.” 
Ronald Koeman

The key to Michels’ concept was intelligent movement, understanding and fitness.


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Not against Sex Education but Vulgarity

There are many Hollywood actresses like Jullianne Hough who dont drink alcohol,smoke,take drugs & believe in the concept of “Sex without Marriage & Marriage without Sex” is pathetic principles in actions without flaunting [showoff].There are many more example of superstars like Lisa Kudrow of Friends series also sticked with this principle.Baker Twins [Canadian youth in 20s of Indigenous background] got a tempting offer from Playboy Magazine [which does not think females as devi[goddess] or human but sex toy] & they declined.

Follow this saying in action “In matters of style swin with current in matters of principle stand like rock”.Dont say others do or majority do why cant I u be the change in right direction.

Remember Sex without Marriage and Marriage without Sex both are pathetic and Mutual Respect between both gender and neither should exploit others.

Sex education that builds societies free of gender discrimination, teenage pregnancy, affairs, HIV-AIDS proliferation, pornography addiction, etc. should be the goal.Crudity and graphic representation of culturally objectionable symbols as manifested in the so-called sex education programme cannot be called sex education.

Its natural male and females get attracted with each other but no exploitation of each other and Sex Without Marriage & Marriage without Sex both are pathetic.Dont says others do why cant I.You be the change in action not showoff or sweet talk

National campaign should also promote integrity of sexual relationship between husband and wife  not use and throw type as It sends the wrong message that you can have any kind of illicit sexual relationship, but as long as you’re using a condom, it’s fine





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Today’s Western World Way of Life and System 


Australia seems refreshingly free of class prejudice.Here people take you for what you are.Here people are less concerned with how you speak, what job do you do.People are assessed by their character rather than by there skin or economic background – English migrant Paul Davies

An important element of American [USA] culture is equality.Despite many differences within American society there is collective understanding of equal opportunity based on individual merit- Communicaid USA

Do not be offended or suprised if your colleague cannot accept a gift.Gift giving is discouraged

Appreciation,Praise of good and genuine work is a normal thing to do but not exaggeration or flattery

Politeness is highly valued

Puntuality is essential part of business etiquettes



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Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi Quotes

Hesitating to act because the whole vision might not be achieved or because others do not share is an attitude [our thinking] that only hinders [stops] progress

Wealth without Work,Pleasure without Conscience [to distinguish between right or wrong act],Knowledge without Character, Commerce without Morality, Science without Humanity, Worship without Sacrifice [here not to kill animals or human rituals], Politics without Principles

We need to be the change we wish to see in the world

You must never lose faith in humanity.Humanity is an ocean if few drops of ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty

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Educative Quotes [not from me]
One person can make a difference and every person should try

Our scientific power has outrun our spirtual power [not religious].We have guided missiles but misguided human

Obey the principle without being bound to it

Youth are looking for role models [in actions not sweet talk or showoff people] not critics

A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle

Ruined [destroyed] by False Praise [Flattery] rather than by Constructive Criticism [Polite and Firm way not humilating way]

Do not put Profit in front of Safety and Service

Knowledge gives you Power but Character gives you Respect